What Causes Yellow Leaves On Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)? August 22, 2022Fajar Fadhil A common topic among Aglaonema owners is “My Chinese Evergreen has been one of my happiest plants, but recently some of the bottom leaves have been yellowing. What’s wrong? Are...
Is The Arrowhead Plant Poisonous? August 17, 2022Fajar Fadhil People often see Arrowhead Syngonium plants, either in the indoor plant section at garden centers or in the wild as an outdoor plant. The Arrowhead plant is part of the Syngonium species,...
6 Signs Of Overwatered Peace Lily (And Step By Step Fixes) August 15, 2022Fajar Fadhil Peace lilies are a highly popular houseplant, both for their foliage and flowers. These plants don’t require a huge amount of maintenance and are relatively resistant to pests and disease...
A Simple Guide For Snake Plant Propagation August 12, 2022Fajar Fadhil How to propagate snake plant? What are all the possible propagation methods? Which one should you choose? These are the most frequently asked questions about snake plant propagation I often come...
How To Grow Philodendron Xanadu August 10, 2022Fajar Fadhil Philodendron Xanadu [fil-oh-DEN-dron, zan-AH-doo] is a plant with a questionable past and well-loved present and one of around 450 known species of philodendron. It belongs to the Araceae family and hails...
Monstera Deliciosa Care: How To Grow The Swiss Cheese Plant August 08, 2022Fajar Fadhil Monstera deliciosa [mon-STER-uh] [de-lis-ee-OH-suh] is a beautiful flowering plant with iconic split leaves that belongs to the family of Araceae. This plant lives in the tropical forests of Mexico but has...
How To Care For Hindu Rope Plant: Hoya Compacta August 05, 2022Fajar Fadhil The “Hindu Rope Plant” known also as Hoya compacta is a most interesting hanging plant. The rope Hoya features distinct, curling foliage setting it apart from the plant from which it came. The...
How To Care For Peacock Plants August 03, 2022Fajar Fadhil Known as the peacock plant – Calathea makoyana [kal-luhth-EE-uh, mack-oy-AY-nuh] are attractive, colorful foliage plants hailing from Africa, Central America, South America, and the West Indies. There are more than...
Anthurium Crystallinum Growing And Care August 01, 2022Fajar Fadhil Anthurium crystallinum (an-THUR-ee-um kriss-TAL-in-um) are tropical plants prized for their gorgeous ornamental leaves. Crystallinum is relatively easy to take care of, making it favored in many houseplant lovers’ households. Native...
Alocasia Propagation Guide: How To Propagate Alocasia Plants July 29, 2022Fajar Fadhil Alocasia is an attractive group of plants that consists of 8 species and numerous cultivars. These plants have gained nicknames such as “elephant ear plant” and “African mask plant” due...
Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor Care July 27, 2022Fajar Fadhil The Araceae (or arum) family has given us an incredible array of plants, not the least of which is Aglaonema pictum (ag-lay-oh-NEE-muh PIK-tum, a variegated species that’s more commonly known as the Chinese evergreen....
Is The ZZ Plant Poisonous To People, Children, Cats and Dogs? July 25, 2022Fajar Fadhil People ask all the time – is the ZZ plant poisonous? Here’s the details! ZZ plants known by the botanical name of Zamioculcas Zamiifolia have become a very popular houseplant over...