Growing Hoya Krimson Queen: Caring For The Tricolor Krimson Hoya

Growing Hoya Krimson Queen: Caring For The Tricolor Krimson Hoya

The Hoya Krimson Queen (HOY-a krim-ZUHN kweens-LAND) is native to Asia, mainly China, India, and Thailand.

It’s also known to grow in the wild in the Philippines and Australia.

This perennial plant belongs to the Apocynaceae family and the Hoya genus. Its botanical name is Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson Queen’, while some of its common names include:

  • Hoya Tricolor
  • Hoya Variegata
  • Wax plant
  • Porcelain flower


Hoya Krimson Queen Care


Size and Growth

Hoya plants are epiphytic vining plants. They grow ropey vines that make terrific vining plants in hanging baskets.

They’re vigorous growers, especially when the conditions are ideal.

Hoyas grow to a length of 60″ – 80″ inches. When growing in the wild, they can reach a height of 20′ feet.

New leaves on the Hoya Krimson Queen are pink or white. They grow to be about 3″ inches long and 2″ inches wide.

These waxy leaves are thick and fleshy with a rounded base.

Flowering and Fragrance

All the Hoya varieties are famous for their star-shaped cluster of flowers. These scented clusters, called inflorescence,  bloom from late spring to late summer.

On Hoyas, an inflorescence can contain up to 30 small flowers that grow up from stalks or peduncles. Each peduncle is a little less than 2″ inches long.

Further below the stalk is the spur. Found at the base of the flower, spurs are what carry the flowers each season. Take care of these spurs because, without them, Hoyas can’t grow new flowers.

Flowers are typically pink with red centers and have a waxy texture. Up close, they have a fuzzy appearance because they have tiny hairs.

The flowers give off a beautiful scent that’s more distinct during the evenings. Hoya flowers also produce nectar that smells like honey, vanilla, and sometimes even chocolate!

Light and Temperature

The Hoya Krimson Queen needs bright light, preferably filtered no direct sunlight. It can also thrive in indirect light as long as it’s near an east-facing window.

Bear in mind that variegated plants, like the Hoyas, need more indirect sunlight than other plant types. The reason is that the variegation on the leaves hinders photosynthesis.

Related: Interested in Hoya plants

Optimal room temperatures for a Hoya Krimson Queen should be between 61° degrees and 95° degrees Fahrenheit. These perennial beauties don’t handle extreme temperatures. They also don’t tolerate frost.

NOTE: Krimson Queen does best in higher humidity levels.

Water and Fertilizer

Hoyas have woody stems with thick, succulent leaves, making them somewhat drought tolerant.

The best watering schedule for the Hoya Krimson Queen should be between one to three times each week. The frequency depends on the season as well as whether the air is dry or humid.

To make sure you’re not overwatering, try the finger test. Put your index finger a couple of inches into the soil. If it feels dry, then it’s time to water the plant.

Soil and Transplanting

The best Hoya soil mix for good root growth on Krimson Queen is a chunky mix of perlite and pumice in equal ratios. Peat moss is also an excellent addition to ensure the soil is well-draining.

Another option is to make a soil mix using equal parts of sand and fibrous soil. The fibrous soil contains orchid bark, pumice, coconut husks, and balls of clay.

Whichever type of potting soil you use, make sure it’s light and airy. No soggy soil and use a pot with drainage holes.! The chunkier and more aerated the soil, the better for your Hoyas.

Grooming and Maintenance

Hoyas are pretty low-maintenance and prefer to be rootbound. You can leave them in the same pot for a couple of years without the need for repotting.

But they will enjoy light pruning. Trim off any damaged or unhealthy leaves to control the plant’s size and boost its health.

Spring and summer are the active growing season for Hoyas and the best time to fertilize the soil. For best results, use an organic fertilizer. Repeat once every two weeks during the warmer months.

Cuttings The Best Way To Propagate Hoya Krimson Queen Plants

It’s easy to propagate Hoyas by using stem cuttings. The best time to reproduce your Hoyas is during the warmer seasons. If you choose to propagate during the colder months, a new plant will take a bit longer to start growing.

After you’ve made the cuttings, you have three choices for growing mediums:

  • Place the cuttings directly in the soil
  • Place the cuttings in the water
  • Place the cuttings in a propagation medium, like sphagnum moss or perlite

Hoya Krimson Queen Pests or Diseases

Hoyas are susceptible to fungal infections, such as botrytis blight and root rot. They’re also pest magnets.

The main types of pests that attack Hoyas are spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. The hardy stems provide the nourishment they need. Plus, the waxy leaves make terrific hiding spots.

You can prevent infestations by wiping the leaves and stems often. Not only will it keep these pests away, but you’ll also remove dust from the leaves.

Use the following to keep your Hoya disease-free:

  • Neem oil
  • A soft cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol
  • Insecticidal sprays
  • DIY soap-based spray (add one tablespoon natural soap in one quart of water)


The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) categorizes Hoyas as non-toxic. But, their sap can cause discomfort and vomiting. It’s best to keep Hoyas out of reach of children and pets.


If you’re thinking about growing Hoya Krimson Queen, you’re in for a real treat. With beautiful leaves and fragrant flowers, these plants make a wonderful addition to any room.

Under the right conditions, Hoyas will flourish for years to come. Show your Hoyas the love and care they need, and they’ll gladly return the favor!


Credit : Gary Antosh (

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